viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016


This blog aims at developing  Gardner’s multiple intelligences  within the curriculum of Secondary education.

According to Gardner, every person has eight different intelligences:

No individual has all of them  developed at the same level and, within this approach, none of them is  considered more important than the others. In life, it is argued, we need to use more than one intelligence in order to have a successful life.

Traditionally,  schools focus mainly on the the Verbal/ Linguistic and Logical/ Mathematical Intelligences. This approach, according to Gardner, is inadequate to develop the fully potential of the students.  

The reason that encouraged us, the teachers of IES Príncipe Felipe in Madrid,  to develop this project is mainly that we want to understand our students' potential and take into consideration all of their abilities in our classes.

Together with these  eight intelligences, our aim is to  also develop  a new intelligence   " Information Technology Intelligence". Though not included in Gardner's ressearch, we believe that nowadays it is a basic "intelligence" that has to  be developed in our students.

With this view of education in mind, we have  developed a project that studies   ancient myths devising activities and tasks that involve the eight  “intelligences” plus the Information Techonology Intelligence.We have focused our work on the myth The Twelve Labors of Hercules.     

If you want to know  more about your potential. If you want to know your particular blend of strengths and weaknesses.

 Clik here and do The Multiple Intelligence quiz

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hello! We come from the third labor of Hercules
    we will give 2 points for the cattle labor, (the tenth labor)
    and we will give 1 point to the labor of the stables, (the fifth one)
