Visual/ Spatial

The Visual/Spatial intelligence is the skill to watch the world and objects from different perspectives. It is also linked to the aesthetic personal sense.

For the visual learners and those who are interested in media studies we watched the film Hercules by Walt Disney. The students were asked to focus on: the theme, characters, plot, setting of the film to find common elements between the film and the text  and elements that set these two different languages apart.

In order to ilustrate that in a very simple and visual way we used an programme to design a Venn Diagram.

In our ARTS class the students had to design a Greek temple using SketchUp. SketchUp is 3D modeling software that's easy to learn and incredibly fun to use.It has a gallery of different forms: circles, rectangles... and different materials: iron, wood..  by just a click and dragging the object to the main window we can achieve amazing results.

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