
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence, it is the ability to manage language and communicate with others.

In our English class, we introduced the myth of Hercules  to our 1st level ESO students for the first time.

In this first approach to the myth, withing the framework of Gardner's multiple intelligences, we wanted to develop the verbal- linguistic intelligence of our students.

They had to do an advanced reading comprehension exercise. The text had been divided into different fragments, that were given to the students randomly, and they had to complete a table where they wrote down the title of the different labors of Hercules and basic information about each one of them.

The developed the scaning reading technique and got familiar with some key vocabulary of the myth. 

 The second time we wanted to develop the listening skills of our students so we listened to the whole story in class.

The third time, the students worked in groups. They had to write a summary of one of the labors and then design a poster. We wanted to develop the verbal intelligence of the students together with the visual one. Creativity and freedom were encouraged in the design of the posters.

The fourth time . The students worked in pairs. They had to use a programme called storyboard. They had to create a comic based on one of the labors using this IT resource. They loved it!!

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